Processor Policy


Musubi Inc. (“Musubi”, “we” or “us”) respects your privacy.  Musubi provides a suite of digital trust and safety products and services (the “Musubi Services”) designed to help online and social media businesses (our “Customers”) automate content moderation and fraud prevention on their digital properties, such as their websites and mobile applications (“Customer Sites”).

This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) explains how we collect, share, and use personal information about you (“End User”) when you interact with any of our Customer’s Sites that use Musubi Services for automated content moderation and fraud prevention and/or other related purposes.

Please note, any personal information that is provided to or gathered by our Customer’s Sites through the use of Musubi Services is controlled by our Customer who is acting as the data controller. They are responsible for the collection and processing of personal information from their Sites and ensure that your personal information is processed fairly, lawfully, and for specific purposes which are known and accepted by you when you make use of their Sites. Please refer to our Customers’ Privacy Policies for information about their privacy practices and for any inquiries including any requests to exercise your data protection rights. Musubi is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of our Customers, which may differ from those set forth in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy does not describe our collection, sharing, and use of personal information when visitors access our website or if you are a Customer using our products. For information about how we collect and use information via our website or when you are a customer, please see our Customer Privacy Policy.

Additionally, if you are a resident of the United States (U.S), please review our Supplemental U.S. State Law Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about this Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at

Personal Information We Collect through Musubi Services

Our software collects information that identifies, describes, or can reasonably be associated with you (“Personal Information”). Personal Information does not include publicly available information in government records or any data that has been deidentified, aggregated, or otherwise anonymized.

As a service provider and processor, Musubi provides software that assists Customers in content moderation decisions, as well as support for that software. The software runs in Customer environments, and may process Personal Information about their end users (“End Users”). Musubi does not transmit, receive, or hold any End User Personal Information in its own servers. As the Customer runs the software, it processes End User data such as Identity Data, Contact Data, Profile Data, Messaging Data, Technical Data, Account Metadata, Moderation Data, and Usage Data for the purposes of detecting fraud and community guidelines violations. Musubi Software may transmit aggregated or anonymized data to our servers for the purpose of providing and improving our services. Examples are overall usage statistics for our software, error messages for troubleshooting, and patterns of fraudulent activity.

Musubi does not have access to information collected by our Customers, except approved employees may access this data for troubleshooting, support, development, and improvement of its software only within the confines of a Customer cloud environment. Employee access is governed by our access policy, and employees are trained in security and privacy best practices before they have access.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Musubi develops and supports software that is run by our Customers. The software uses the End User’s Personal Information such as identity data, contact data, profile data, messaging data, technical data, account metadata, moderation data, and usage data to make content moderation and fraud detection decisions on behalf of our Customers. Musubi employees also access this End User data in a secure fashion when necessary for troubleshooting, supporting, developing, and improving our software.

How We Share Your Personal Information

Our software running in Customer environments may disclose Personal Information about Customer End Users in the following circumstances:

  • Vendors, consultants and other service providers: It may share your information with third party vendors, contractors, consultants, and other service providers who provide data processing services to us and with whom the sharing of such information is necessary to undertake that work. Examples of these types of service providers include: hosting our infrastructure, security notification and verification services, and for data enrichment purposes (described below).
  • Our Customers’ vendors, service providers and other intermediaries: It may share your information with our Customers' third party vendors, service providers and other third parties under their direction, where such sharing is necessary to provide the Musubi Services and fulfill the Customer's request. For example, if you are an End User we may share your information with our Customers' payment processors or the issuing or acquiring bank involved in a chargeback.
  • Service Providers for Data Enrichment: Musubi software may share minimal End User Data (e.g., IP or email addresses) with select third-party service providers (e.g., location data providers or identity verification providers) for data enrichment purposes. Enriching data allows us to make more informed fraud risk assessments. For example, we may work with providers that match information from social media with End Users' email addresses provided to our Customers, that provide us with a human-readable, mapped location based on a physical address or latitude/longitude. Musubi requires that any information disclosed to a provider is used only to perform their service and not for any incompatible purpose, and only as allowed by applicable law.
  • Compliance with laws: In the event Musubi receives a request for information concerning data about our Customers’ End Users, We will direct the requesting party to seek the data directly from the Customer. If compelled to disclose or give access to any Customer's data, we will promptly notify the customer and provide a copy of the demand unless legally prohibited from doing so. Examples of the types of requests could be from any competent law enforcement body, regulator, government agency, court or other third party where we believe disclosure is necessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or (iii) to protect your vital interests or those of any other person (see below).
  • Vital interests and legal rights: We may disclose the limited Personal Information in our servers  if we believe it necessary to protect the vital interests or legal rights of Musubi, you or any other person.

In addition to the privacy commitments we make to users, these service providers have their own legal obligations to maintain the privacy of your personal information.  In general, the following entities are third parties with whom we share personal information in the ordinary course of business:

  • AWS – data storage - United States
  • Retool – administrative web interface hosting - United States

We may also share personal data with unlisted third parties for the purposes of delivering services, marketing, security, product development and process improvement.  We may also share personal information with law enforcement, government agencies and parties to legal proceedings, but only when we have received a lawful request for personal information that cannot be declined.

To understand how our Customers may share your personal information, please see their Privacy Policies.

Retention of Your Personal Information

Musubi does not maintain any personal information about our Customer’s End Users. Musubi’s software retains Customer End User data in Customer environments as directed by the Customer. Please see our Customers’ Privacy Policies for more information about their data retention practices. The Personal Information we collect about End Users (as described in this policy) is retained long enough to be sure the issue is resolved and then we delete it or as directed by our Customers.

Your Rights

It is recommended that you make requests directly to the Customer whose Site you have used. Please note that some of the rights may vary depending on your country, province, or state of residence. If we receive a request from you, we will forward your request to our Customer, the data controller.

The Right to Opt Out of Cookies and Sale/Sharing Using Online Tracking Technologies.

Musubi software does not use cookies or tracking technologies in our software.

The Right to Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information

California residents have the right to limit the use of sensitive Personal Information. Musubi only accesses sensitive Personal Information, as defined by the applicable California law, for the purposes allowed by law on behalf of our Customers. Musubi does not collect or store sensitive Personal Information on our servers. For details about how our Customers use sensitive Personal Information and your rights, please see their Privacy Policies.

The Right to Accessing, Correcting, and Deleting Personal Information

Musubi does not collect Personal Information about you on our servers. For details about how our Customers use sensitive Personal Information and your rights, please see their Privacy Policies.

If you are an EU or UK resident, you also have the right to:

  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to object and automated individual decision-making

If we receive a request from you, Musubi will refer your request to our Customer, the controller.

Right to Opt Out of Sale/Share

Some U.S. states offer the right to opt out of the sale of or sharing of Personal Information. Musubi does not sell or share End User data as defined by those regulations. Please see our Customers’ Privacy Policies to confirm their practices.

Appealing Requests

If you are a Colorado, Connecticut, or Virginia resident, you may appeal our decision to your request regarding your Personal Information. To do so, please contact us We respond to all appeal requests as soon as we reasonably can, and no later than legally required.

Protecting Your Personal Information

Musubi employs appropriate physical, technical, and organizational security measures to try to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing of, or accidental loss, destruction or damage to your Personal Information.

Changes to this Policy

We may revise this Policy from time to time as necessary to ensure it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Notice of the revised policy will be provided by its posting to our Website. The revised version will indicate its effective date.  Whenever you visit our Website, we recommend you check the effective date to determine if the posted version has been changed since you last visited.  

Links to Other Websites

We do not link to third-party sites and services, or otherwise display third-party content through our software.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our Service, please contact us at



This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how Musubi, Inc. (“Musubi,” “we” or “us”) collects, uses, discloses, and otherwise processes the personal information when you visit our websites or are a Customer using our services. In these circumstances, Musubi is considered a business or controller.

We receive and store personal information, through the Musubi Website (the “Website”) and through Musubi Admin Tools (the “Admin Tools”) passively (please see our Cookie Policy) or when you make inquiries about Musubi products or services. We do not collect Special Category or Sensitive Data through our Website except to the limited extent that it may be necessary in the context of online job applications.

If you are a resident of California, please also refer to our U.S. State Law Privacy Policy.

Personal Information We Collect

We collect information that identifies, describes, or can reasonably be associated with you (“Personal Information”). Personal Information does not include publicly available information in government records or any data that has been deidentified, aggregated, or otherwise anonymized. Here are examples of the personal information we collect:

When you do business with Musubi, we may collect and process Customer Personal Information whether or not that person is a Website user. Examples of Customer Personal Information includes:

  • Contact information and communication details;
  • Business job title, responsibilities, department and organization;
  • Financial information if needed to take payment or fulfill contractual obligations or for related purposes, which we may share with our billing provider;
  • Information necessary to evaluate Musubi’s or vendors’ performance; and
  • If you have a Musubi account, we add any purchase information we collect, including details of the purchase and your business address, to your online account information.

Visiting Our Site or Admin Tools

The Personal Information we have collected directly from you may include:

Identifiers. We collect your IP address, device ID, and other online identifiers;

Internet or Network Activity Information. We collect your history of interactions with our website, including domain name, page views, a date/time stamp, browser type, device type, internet service provider, referring and exiting URLs, operating system, language, clickstream data, and similar device and usage information; Geolocation Information. We may be able to infer your general location based on your IP address; and Audio, Electronic, and Similar Information.

We use this information to help us run our site securely and enable basic functions like page loading or navigation. Some cookies we use help us analyze how you interact with our site, including which items you may view or consider. This data enables us to improve our site’s look, feel, and performance. Cookies also allow us to deliver advertisements that are meaningful to you. For more information, see the Cookie Policy.

The chat feature of our website may be provided by a person or an AI agent. We recommend that you avoid adding Personal Information to this feature except as necessary. Any Personal Information you provide in chat will be handled according to this Privacy Policy’s section on Contacting Customer Service.

Contacting Customer Service

If you contact customer service for questions, comments, or feedback, we collect the following Personal Information:

  • Identifiers. This includes your name and contact information, which may be your email address and/or phone number depending on whether you contact us online or over the phone;
  • Commercial Information. This includes your order history if you made a purchase;
  • Audio, Electronic, and Similar Information. We collect voice and video recordings if you call us or send us video content;
  • Employment Information. If you are a Customer, we may collect the name of your employer and your job title; and
  • Other Information You Provide. We collect your comments and other details about your request for customer support.

We use this information to respond to your request for customer support. We take your comments and feedback seriously, so we may also learn from this information to improve our quality assurance and for training purposes.

Making a Purchase

If you purchase any of our Services on the Site, we collect the following Personal Information to process your payments and fulfill your orders:

  • Personal Identifiers. This includes your name, phone number, email address, and mailing address;
  • Commercial Information. This includes transaction information and your order history;
  • Financial Information. This includes your payment method and billing address; and
  • Company Information. If you are a Customer, we may collect the name of your company, job title and contact information.

Joining our Mailing List

If you join our mailing list, we collect your email address from you to provide you with information about products, events, or promotional opportunities that may interest you. You can unsubscribe by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email.

Interacting with Us on Social Media

If you follow or friend us on any social networking platforms, such as X, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, both Musubi and/or the social media platform may collect Personal Information about you, including:

  • Personal Identifiers. This includes the username of handle you use for that social media platform;
  • Content You Post. We may collect content you share or post on our pages or threads; and
  • Social Media Contacts. Depending on your privacy settings, we may collect your contacts, followers, or friends on that social media platform.

We use the information we receive through social media to enhance our social media presence, improve our products, and deliver relevant information about promotional opportunities, marketing materials, or other incentives. We do not control and are not responsible for how social media platforms use the information they may collect about you when you use social media. Instead, you should look to the social media platform’s privacy policy and terms to understand their practices or control your choices.

Special note about Personal Information collected when you apply for employment: You may submit Personal Information through our Website to be considered for employment. Such data includes your name, your address, your phone number, your email address, job preferences, experience, desired salary, relocation preferences, work authorization, security clearance, education, job skills and other information contained on your resume or curriculum vitae. Musubi uses this information solely for consideration of your candidacy for employment, to communicate with you, and to generate related correspondence, including offer letters and employment agreements. This data may also be used, subject to applicable local laws, to conduct necessary background checks for compliance and other employment related purposes. Finally, Musubi retains such data as legally permitted, such as when necessary to address your employment interest or otherwise process your application.

Special note about Personal Information our Customers provide about their End Users. We rely on our Customers to inform their End Users about Personal Information shared with us. This information may be in the form of a help desk ticket or other identifiers necessary to troubleshoot an issue in our system. It can include information like a Customer-specific Unique Identifier, a name, email address, IP address, phone number or other contact info, and a customer support conversation history describing the issue. We retain this information long enough to be sure the issue is resolved and then we delete it. We do not share it with third parties. Please refer to our Customer’s Privacy Policy and you may also refer to our Processor Policy for more information.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We collect and process Personal Information for the purposes and on the legal bases identified below. For these purposes, we combine data we collect from different contexts (for example, from your use of two products within the Musubi Services). We use this information to:

  • Provide the Musubi Services: We base our processing of your Personal Information on contracts and our legitimate interests to operate and administer the Musubi Services. For example, to process transactions with you, authenticate you when you log in, provide customer support, allow you to share knowledge about the Musubi Services with us and our support community, and operate and maintain the Musubi Services;
  • Promote the security of the Musubi Services: We process your Personal Information by tracking use of the Musubi Services, creating aggregated, non-personal information, verifying accounts and activity, monitoring suspicious or fraudulent activity, and enforcing our terms and policies, to the extent this is necessary for our legitimate interest and as required by law and our contracts with Customers in promoting the safety and security of the Musubi Services, systems, and applications and in protecting our rights and the rights of others;
  • To improve and develop the Musubi Services: We use your Personal Information to identify trends, usage, activity patterns, and areas for integration and improvement of the Musubi Services so that we continually improve the Musubi Services, including adding new features or capabilities that make the Musubi Services smarter, faster, secure, integrated, and more useful to our Customers and their Authorized Users to the extent it is necessary for our legitimate interests in developing and improving the Musubi Services, as described in our contracts, or where we seek your consent;
  • To communicate with you about the Musubi Services: We may send you service, technical, and other administrative or transactional emails, messages, and other types of notifications to perform our contracts and in reliance on our legitimate interests in administering the Musubi Services. These communications are considered part of the Musubi Services and in most cases you cannot opt-out of them. If an opt-out is available, you will find that option within the communication itself or in your account settings;
  • Send you marketing communications: We will process your personal information to send you marketing information, product recommendations, events, promotions, contests, and other non-transactional communications (e.g., emails, telemarketing calls, SMS or push notifications) about us in accordance with your marketing preferences and to the extent you have provided your prior consent;
  • To protect our legitimate business interests and legal rights: Where required by law or where we believe it is necessary to protect our legal rights, interests, and the interests of others, we use Personal Information about you in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, and audit functions, and disclosures in connection with the acquisition, merger, or sale of a business; and
  • With your consent: We use Personal Information about you where you have given us consent to do so for a specific purpose not listed above. For example, we may publish testimonials or featured customer stories to promote the Musubi Services with your permission.

How We Share Personal Information

We may share Personal Information we collect for the purposes described below:

  • Services and Support. To provide and operate our Services, communicate with you about your use of the Services, provide troubleshooting and technical support, respond to your inquiries, fulfill your orders and requests, process your payments, communicate with you, and for similar service and support purposes.
  • Analytics and Improvement. To better understand how you access and use the Services, and our other products and offerings, and for other research and analytical purposes, such as to evaluate and improve our services and business operations, to develop services and features, and for internal quality control and training purposes.
  • Marketing, Advertising, and Campaign Management. We may disclose certain information that includes personal information to third-party ad network providers and/or traffic measurement services, which may use this data to improve and measure the effectiveness of our ads. For more information, see the Cookie Policy.
  • In Support of Business Transfers. If we or our affiliates are or may be acquired by, merged with, or invested in by another company, or as part of a financing, or if any of our assets are or may be transferred to another company, whether as part of a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding or otherwise, we may transfer the information we have collected from you to the other company.  We may also share certain Personal Information as necessary prior to the completion of such a transfer, such as to lenders, auditors, and third-party advisors, including attorneys and consultants, as part of due diligence or as necessary to plan for the transfer.
  • Compliance, Governance, and Legal Requirements. We may disclose information to comply with legal obligations, to respond to legal process and related legal proceedings. For example, we may disclose information in response to subpoenas, court order, and other lawful requests by regulators and law enforcement, including responding to national security or law enforcement disclosure requirements.  We may also disclose information, including Personal Information, related to litigation and other legal claims or proceedings in which we are involved, as well as for our internal accounting, auditing, compliance, recordkeeping, and legal functions.
  • Security and Protection of Rights. To protect the Services and our business operations; to prevent and detect fraud, unauthorized activities and access, and other misuse; to protect our rights, those of stakeholders and any third party; where we believe necessary to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety or legal rights of any person or third party, or violations of our Terms of Use.

We may disclose and make available Personal Information, for the purposes described above, to the following parties:

  • Vendors and Service Providers. We may disclose Personal Information we collect to our service providers, processors, agents, and others who perform functions on our behalf. These vendors may include, for example, analytics providers, marketing firms, consultants, payment processors, auditors, and legal counsel.
  • Third-Party Ad Networks. We may disclose Personal Information to third-party ad networks, sponsors, and/or traffic measurement services. These third parties may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), and other tracking technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third-party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third party's specific privacy policy, not this one. To exercise your choices about receiving third-party ads, see the Cookie Policy.
  • Others as Permitted by Applicable Law. We may also disclose Personal Information to third parties to the extent required by applicable law and legal or contractual obligations. This may include regulators, government entities, law enforcement as required by law or legal process, as well as potential and actual acquirors, business partners or financiers and their employees, representatives, and counsel. We may also disclose Personal Information to lenders, auditors, and third-party advisors, including attorneys and consultants.

In addition to the privacy commitments we make to users, these service providers have their own legal obligations to maintain the privacy of your personal information.  In general, the following entities are third parties with whom we share personal information in the ordinary course of business:

AWS – data storage - United States

Webflow – website hosting - United States

We may also share personal data with unlisted third parties for the purposes of delivering services, marketing, security, product development and process improvement.  We may also share personal information with law enforcement, government agencies and parties to legal proceedings, but only when we have received a lawful request for personal information that cannot be declined.

Retention of Your Personal Information

We maintain Personal Information only as long as necessary, for the purpose or purposes (i) for which it was collected; (ii) of performing or fulfilling contractual obligations; (iii) of complying with law; and/or (iv) of responding to legal actions.

Your Rights

Consistent with applicable law, you may exercise the rights described in this section. Please note that some of the rights may vary depending on your country, province, or state of residence.

  • The Right to Opt Out of Cookies and Sale/Sharing Using Online Tracking Technologies. Our use of online tracking technologies on our website may be considered a “sale” / “sharing” under applicable law. This could include basic Identifying Information, Device Information and Other Unique Identifiers, Internet or Other Network Activity, Geolocation Data, and Commercial Data.
  • If we are sharing any of this information with third parties, visitors to our website can opt out of being tracked by these third parties by clicking the cookie banner at the bottom of our website and selecting their preferences.
  • Residents of Colorado, Connecticut, and Virginia can opt out of targeted advertising by clicking the cookie banner at the bottom of our website and selecting the appropriate preferences.
  • Categories of third parties to whom Personal Information was disclosed that may be considered “sale”/ “sharing” include advertisers and marketing partners, data analytics providers, and social media networks.

The Right to Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information

California residents have the right to limit the use of sensitive Personal Information. Musubi only collects sensitive Personal Information, as defined by the applicable California law, for the purposes allowed by law on behalf of our Customers. Musubi never has access to this data.  

The Right to Accessing, Correcting, and Deleting Personal Information

You may have the right to request access to and receive details about the Personal Information we maintain about you and how we have processed it, correct inaccuracies, get a copy of, or delete your Personal Information.

You may submit a request by contacting

Appealing Requests

If you are a Colorado, Connecticut, or Virginia resident, you may appeal our decision to your request regarding your Personal Information. To do so, please contact us at We respond to all appeal requests as soon as we reasonably can, and no later than legally required.

Identity Verification

For us to process some requests, we will need to verify your identity to confirm that the request came from you. We may contact you by phone or e-mail to verify your request. Depending on your request, we will ask for information such as your name, an e-mail address, or a phone number.

Authorized Agent

Residents of California, Colorado, and Connecticut may designate an authorized agent to submit a request on your behalf to access or delete your Personal Information. To do so, you must: (1) provide that authorized agent written and signed permission to submit such request; and (2) verify your own identity directly with us. Please note, we may deny a request from an authorized agent that does not submit proof that they have been authorized by you to act on your behalf.

If you have been designated as an authorized agent to submit a request on behalf of another customer, you must make the appropriate selection when you submit a Request.

Protecting Your Personal Information

Musubi employs appropriate physical, technical, and organizational security measures to try to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing of, or accidental loss, destruction or damage to your personal information.

Changes to this Policy

We may revise this Policy from time to time as necessary to ensure it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Notice of the revised policy will be provided by its posting to our Website.   The revised version will indicate its effective date.  Whenever you visit our Website we recommend you check the effective date to determine if the posted version has been changed since you last visited.  

Links to Other Websites

We may link to third-party sites and services, or otherwise display third-party content through our Website. When you link to another website, you are subject to that website’s  privacy and data collection policies and practices. We have no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions and are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any such websites. Please note that these other sites may place their own cookies, collect data, or solicit Personal Information, and we encourage you to review their policies before engaging with these third-party sites.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our Service, please contact us at


This page contains additional information relevant to residents of certain US states that have their own data privacy laws and regulations, and associated rights. This content should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy. It is important to note that Musubi does not collect any personal information about our Customers’ End Users  in our servers except as described in our Processor Privacy Policy. Our software is installed in our Customers’ environments. Musubi employs strict access controls and our employees are trained on our privacy and IT security policies.

Categories of Personal Information

Categories of Sources

Purpose for Collecting

Categories Sold or Shared

Categories of Third Parties to Whom PI was Sold or Shared

Categories of Third Parties to Whom the Information was Disclosed

Purpose of Disclosing

Identifiers and Contact Information

Customers: Direct

End Users: From Customer

Customers: to respond to requests for information, provide our services and Admin Tools, send relevant or necessary communications

End Users: Troubleshooting, support, development, and improvement of its software



Customers: service providers

End Users: service providers

Customers: Providing our services

End Users: fraud detection

Demographic Information (such as gender and age)

Customers: Not collected

End Users: Not collected




Customers: None

End Users: service providers

Customers: N/A

End Users: fraud detection

Payment Card Information Associated with You

Customers: Payments managed via payment processor, Musubi does not collect this info

End Users: not collected

Customers: to handle payments



Customers: payment providers

Customers: Handling payments

Commercial Information

Customers: Direct

End Users: not collected

Customers: to respond to requests for information, provide our services and Admin Tools, send relevant or necessary communications



Customers: service providers

Customers: providing our services

Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information

Customers: Direct

End Users: From Customer

Customers: Analytics

End Users: Troubleshooting, support, development, and improvement of its software

Customers: All in this category

End Users: none

Customers: analytics providers

End Users: None

Customers: None

End Users: service providers

End Users: fraud detection

Geolocation data, audio, visual, or similar information

Customers: Direct

End Users: from Customer

Customers: Analytics, provide customer service

End Users: Troubleshooting, support, development, and improvement of its software



Customers: service providers

End Users: service providers

Customers: Providing our services

End Users: fraud detection

Inferences Drawn from the Above Categories

Customers: Direct

End Users: from Customer

Customers: Analytics

End Users: Troubleshooting, support, development, and improvement of its software

Customers: All in this category

End Users: None

 Customers: analytics

End Users: none

Customers: None

End Users: service providers

End Users: fraud detection

Musubi has no knowledge of collecting, selling, or sharing the Personal Information of any consumers under 16 years of age.

Musubi does not use or disclose sensitive Personal Information for purposes other than those permitted by law.

Your Rights

Based on your state of residence, you may have the following rights:

1.         The right to know what Personal Information the business has collected about the consumer, for example, including the categories of Personal Information, the categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing Personal Information, the categories of third parties to whom the business discloses Personal Information, and the specific pieces of Personal Information the business has collected about the consumer;

2.         The right to delete Personal Information that the business has collected from the consumer, subject to certain exceptions;

3.         The right to correct inaccurate Personal Information that a business maintains about a consumer;

4.         If the business sells or shares Personal Information, the right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of their Personal Information by the business;

5.         If the business uses or discloses sensitive Personal Information for reasons other than those set forth in section 7027, subsection (lm), the right to limit the use or disclosure of sensitive Personal Information by the business; and

6.         The right not to receive discriminatory treatment by the business for the exercise of privacy rights conferred by the CCPA, including an employee’s, applicant’s, or independent contractor’s right not to be retaliated against for the exercise of their CCPA rights.

Our Customers can exercise their CCPA rights by contacting Our Customers’ End Users should exercise their rights through our Customer directly. Any requests we receive will be referred to our Customer for handling.


We acknowledge that California’s “Shine the Light” law permits California residents to annually request and obtain information free of charge about what Personal Information is disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. Musubi does not, without your consent, distribute your Personal Information that it collects to outside parties for their direct marketing, or any other purpose, except as provided for in this Policy.

This policy was last updated on Sep 7, 2023.


We use cookies and tracking technologies on our website. We do not use cookies or tracking technologies in our software that is deployed on our Customers’ environments.

Cookies are small text files placed on your device to store data that can be recalled by a web server in the domain that placed the cookie. We use cookies and similar technologies on our websites for storing and honoring your preferences and settings, enabling you to sign in, providing interest-based advertising, combating fraud, analyzing how our products perform, and fulfilling other legitimate purposes.

We also use “web beacons” to help deliver cookies and gather usage and performance data. Our websites may include web beacons, cookies, or similar technologies from third parties, such as service providers acting on our behalf.

Third party cookies may include: Social Media cookies designed to show you ads and content based on your social media profiles and activities on our websites; Analytics cookies to better understand how you and others use our websites so that we can make them better, and so the third parties can improve their own products and services; Advertising cookies to show you ads that are relevant to you; and Required cookies used to perform essential website functions. Where required, we obtain your consent prior to placing or using optional cookies that are not (i) strictly necessary to provide the website; or (ii) for the purpose of facilitating a communication.

Our use of third party cookies, web beacons and analytics services, and other similar technologies on our websites and services. For a list of the third parties that set cookies on our websites, including service providers acting on our behalf, please see our Cookie List. On some of our websites, a list of third parties is available directly on the site. The third parties on these sites may not be included in the list on our third party cookie inventory.

You have a variety of tools to control the data collected by cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies. For example, you can use controls in your internet browser to limit how the websites you visit are able to use cookies and to withdraw your consent by clearing or blocking cookies.

Strictly necessary cookies: Always active. These cookies are necessary for our Website to function. You can set your browser to switch off or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the Website will not work once they are turned off.

Cookie Provider



Webflow is our hosting provider, these cookies allow our website to function.


Enable function of our Admin Tools such as signin and storing settings

Performance cookies: These cookies are used to improve the performance of our Website, for example, they help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the Website.

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Functional and analytics cookies: These cookies enable the Website to provide enhanced functionality and personalization. If you switch off these cookies you will lose the benefits of such enhancements and personalization.

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Enabling chat functionality, analytics


Providing analytics for our Admin Tools

Marketing cookies: These cookies are used to build a profile of your interests in order to show you content from Forcepoint and others that likely would be relevant to you. You will experience less targeted advertising if you choose to switch off these cookies.

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My Choices with Cookies

You have the right to decide whether to refuse cookies on our Website. If you choose to refuse cookies, you may still use our Website, though your access to some functionality and areas of our Website may be restricted. You can manage your cookie preferences by clicking the “Manage Cookies” link at the bottom of our Website (Consent Manager). If you use different devices to access our Website, you will need to ensure that each browser of each device is set to your cookie preference.

You can set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies. Please refer to your browser’s ‘help’ button (or similar) to learn more about how you can do this. In addition, if you would like to find out more information about how to amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies, please visit

If you would like to find out more information about how to opt out of targeted advertising, please visit,,, or if located in the European Union please visit